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Terron Cook

I work with individuals who desire to “Feel Better.” I work in the area of Nutrition and the Home Environment

Terron Cook has been attending what he refers to as "The School of Life;" since the age of 15; when he was forced into the World; to support & fend for himself; due to an unthinkable event which took place in Columbus, OH; where his father was murdered by his only sibling; whom attempted to place blame upon Terron. This event sparked MAJOR attention throughout the town and immediately sent him into a downward spiral; forcing him to take a cold, hard look at self; face innermost demons and pose extremely difficult questions; ones in which he knew only he could answer; not to mention; turning to hard drugs, alcohol and extremely self-destructive behavior to ease the deep-seated pain.Terron's transcendence of unthinkable circumstances has Truly solidified his stance in the Health & Wellness field; the eyes and Hearts of those who possess extreme business power; & those coming from very downtrodden circumstances; all the while; being able to relate to almost; if not all demographics; while remaining humble.The Vision of Premonition Ex Nihilo was born on 7.14.09; with the publication of: Premonitions of a Young Man, Unscathed & his second publication: A Plethora of Thoughts (Beautifully (I'm)patient) in 2011. The Vision of PEN has flowed into a brand; with the concept of "clarity," through appropriate thinking at the forefront. While we stress the necessity to reach out to others and provide consistent support; it is imperative that we honor our own morals and values & not be made to feel we are "sacrificing." Terron realized after MANY years of flailing; that he needed to learn to Love and remove himself from his past; create a "new" path; to be a better Man. It is imperative that we "think," prior to taking action. In order to think properly; we must be healthy in Mind, Body and Spirit; cleanse/rid ourselves of any unhealthy thoughts/feelings/interactions, past negativity/pain and learn to TRULY Love ourselves; if we are to be of services to others. 10,000 hours...STAY TRUE

Terron Cook's Background

Terron Cook's Experience

CEO/Founder/Owner at Terron J. Cook

March 2018 - Present | San Diego

Nutrition Coach: Smart Shopping, Meal Prep, Meal Plans, Cooking Classes, Home Flow/Organization

Terron Cook's Education

Independence High School

1992 – 1996

College Preparatory

Concentration: Learning, Educating, Building

Activities: Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Basketball Team and Student Council.

Terron Cook's Interests & Activities

Nutrition, Health-Wellness, Space Design and Organization, Writing, Singing, Basketball, International Travel, Resting, Living, Loving, Cooking/Eating Healthy Foods, Learning, Laughing, Educating, Building; CREATING LIFE, ONE DAY AT A TIME.

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